Headstones in St Mary’s Churchyard: Section 1 Photographs of existing headstone and memorials click an individual thumbnail to open full photograph. Use the back button on your browser to return to the previous page. 01 Dobell02 Roberts03 Lock04 Ford05 Gibbs,06 Gibbs07 Mercer08 Mercer09 Bolding10 Doust11 Russell12 Russell13 Russell14 Russell15 Russell16T R17 Styles18 Chalklin19 Chalklin20 Hobbs21 Coale22 Nye23 Thorpe24 (a)Thorpe24 (b) Thorpe25 (a) Thorpe25 (b) Thorpe26 Standen27 Welch28 Standen29 Jarvis30 Lambert31 Lambert32 Copper33 Butcher34 Standen35 Standen36 Baker37 (a) Worsley37 (b) Worsley37 (c) Worsley38 Barber39 Roade40 Hayward41 Waterhouse42 Baker43 Vousden44 Morris45 Birch46 Blank - flat stone47 Unknown illegible48 Possibly49 Cavey